Terra Living


Today we celebrate more than our anniversary! We celebrate our life and our accomplishments & dreams together. Thank you team! For sharing your experiences, opinions, love, creativity and efforts to Terra’s Fresh Foods. It has been and incredible 3 years!

July 7, 2021

Lets celebrate!  In my eyes, everyday is a celebration, our love, business and family is not a result but a constant reminder why we must celebrate this success we’ve built out of passion

Today we celebrate more than our anniversary! We celebrate our life and our accomplishments & dreams together.

Thank you team! For sharing your experiences, opinions, love, creativity and efforts to Terra’s Fresh Foods. It has been and incredible 3 years!

“Another year that we celebrate a blessing. It seems so unbelievable to me how everything started and what we have become. I feel I am the luckiest person in the world because not only I love what I do, and I get to do it with people that are very dear to me. As we take a step forward every day, I find that little by little we are coming closer to reaching our dreams. Every person that has joined us in our journey, has taken the company a little step forward. Today, I can only say thank you, to all of you who have given a piece of their hearts and regardless of nationality, race, gender, believes,  or politics, have found a common ground to make everyone’s job an enjoyable ride. Thank you to all our customers and suppliers, who from the very first day supported this crazy idea, and that after 3 years, they are still walking by our side. For many more years to come, hope you keep enjoying the ride! Cheers!” Maria Alejandra G. CEO Terra Fresh Foods.

“Feliz aniversario a Terra y a todo el equipo por estos 3 años. Un brindis porque podamos seguir cumpliendo muchos más años todos juntos y sigamos aportando nuestro granito para hacer que terra siga inspirando y alimentando de diversidad al mundo. Gracias por poder formar parte de la familia terra.” Tamara Exposito. Sevilla, spain.

Terra Fresh Foods congrats on your 3th corporate anniversary! Wishing you many more years of succes, good luck and joy! Monica, Miami, Fl .

Feliz 3er aniversario Terra. Un añito más y seguimos creciendo. Más allá del día a día del negocio y de los vaivenes del trabajo, me quedo con todas las personas que forman este gran equipo de terra y con aquellos que colaboran estrechamente con nosotros. Enhorabuena compañeros y compañeras por todo el trabajo realizado, por vuestra ilusión y vuestra fuerza.

Juntos a por el cuarto” Lalo Fran Sevilla, Spain

Success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life, it’s about what you inspire others to do!  Happy anniversary Terra Fresh Foods!”  Rachel Monteagudo, Miami, FL.

Happy Anniversary to my beautiful family terra fresh foods,” Brayner G.


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