Mamey is a creamy fruit, similar to yams, with a hint of apricot flavor. This flavor is enhanced by spices such as ginger, vanilla, nutmeg, honey and clove. It is perfect to serve this fruit with ice creams and milkshakes or can be eaten as fresh fruit all alone. In milkshakes it is often accompanied by milk, ice, vanilla and nutmeg. It is also used for stews or even for making wine. Mamey is a good ingredient for baked products such as breads, cakes, pies and chocolate drinks.
In 1981 started to be celebrated every year the Festival of Mango and Mamey in Yuscaran (Paraiso, Honduras). However, later was suspended for some years. In 1992, this traditional and full of color music festival, has been reopened in the same Honduran town.
At the time of the Christopher Columbus’ arrival to the New World, this species grew in Jamaica, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico and the Lesser Antilles. Currently is it cultivated in the North of South America, Central America and other tropical and humid areas.
134 calories in 100 grams. We can highlight its rich source of potassium and vitamin C. Protects against cardiovascular disease and hypertension.